Folks: We're going to go to a shorter notice of bike rides this week to try to schedule on days with good weather (read: no rain or winds!) I'm only going to schedule a ride if the weather looks good
as predicted the day before. The weather predictors have played some tricks on us lately, including saying it wouldn't rain, but it did and vice versa (this morning.) So you will want to check the blog or your email nightly, whichever way you are informed of new rides. We'll see how this works. If it works well, we'll continue like this; but if not so well, we'll go back to the our SOP next week.
We're starting this week with a ride Sunday, as so far, that is looking like the only day in the next four with no rain or no wind.
Sunday, February 17 -- Kelly Plantation
Meet in the parking lot of Fresh Market at 11AM and we will leave as soon as we are all set (usually about 10 minutes.) We'll do 10 miles at an average 10 mph pace and then lunch at the Clubhouse Grill.
Please RSVP below in the comment section under the Kelly Plantation ride.
Monday, February 18 -- New Route: Miller-Holley Bike Paths
Might have winds this morning, but we decided to try a new route, since it just might be sheltered a bit. If it proves too unpleasant, we can quit early and just go eat! (Or if some want to finish,
the others can just chat by the cars until we're all ready to go.) This route is all bike path, except for a bit of road we need to ride to bypass a section of torn-up path. The road isn't a busy one, though. Might I suggest to those who don't have mirrors, it's a good idea to see behind you!
Meet at
10AM (not 11AM!) at
Northwest Florida State College off of #331. Take #98 east to #331, turn north on #331 and then take the first left which goes right into the college. OR you can take #98 east and turn left onto JD Miller Road (it is a couple of blocks before #331...a sign on your right saying Padgett Park and arrowing left to JD Miller Rd. is a guidepost), take that a block down, then a right onto Community Way. Community Way dead-ends at Greenway Trail and you'll go right a block to the college. (I tried to Google Northwest Florida State College and kept getting the campus in to see this area on a map, Google South Walton High School and you'll see the library south of that. The NW FL State College building is south of the library, but isn't showing up on my Google map. Believe me, it's there. I went into all three institutions.)
We can get a 9.5-10 mile ride back there (I drove it) and I've already asked (in person!) the high school, the library, and the college if we can park in their lots. The high school and college said "no problem" but the library doesn't have enough spots. I chose the college, as it's a little "calmer" down at that end.
At the end of this ride, we're doing
brunch at
Don Pedro's in Santa Rosa on #98 (not the Destin location.)
RSVP in the comment section please. Don't forget sunscreen, helmets, ID, money, spare inner tube and portable pump (always good to have) and dress accordingly. Layers would be a good idea.
Wednesday, February 20 -- Sandestin
Meet at 11AM outside Starbucks in Baytowne Wharf on the Sandestin property. We'll ride about 10 miles and then have lunch/brunch at Another Broken Egg in Baytowne.
Please RSVP in the comment section.
Thursday, February 21 -- Kelly Plantation
Meet at
11AM in the
Fresh Market parking lot. We'll bike into Kelly and ride 10 miles before stopping up at the
Clubhouse Grill to have lunch. (We found a few more streets, one along the bay, to bike last Sunday!)
Please RSVP in the comment section.