Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week of January 27-February 2

WCS cyclists:  Be sure to RSVP here on the blog so we know who to expect.  If you have trouble RSVPing, call me.  I can help you (usually.)

Monday, January 27
Meet at 11AM in the library parking lot in Freeport.  (Google Freeport library if you don't know where it is across from TJ's restaurant on #20.)  We'll do our usual hour ride and lunch at noon at TJ's afterwards.  They are famous for their corned beef-less Reubens.

Bring all the usual:  Sunscreen, money, insurance cards and ID, spare inner tube, helmet, etc.

(Click photo to enlarge) 
Thanks, Al, for catching us at our best!  (Especially me.) has the storms starting at 3PM today, but strong winds are already blowing.  I'm not riding in this wind, but if anyone else still wants to, you can get together by arranging it in private email (see our roster) or by commenting here on the blog. (updated 9AM)

Wednesday, January 29
Meet at 10:30AM in front of Starbucks in Baytowne Wharf (the little "village" inside Sandestin.)  We'll ride an hour and then eat at Rum Runners (if it's open...if not, at Another Broken Egg.)  Don't forget all the usual biking stuff (see Monday.)

NOTE:  Anyone wanting to meet up at Cabana Cafe at 3PM to hear Redd at 4PM, please come!  She is the singer/waitress who used to perform on #30A at Sally's Backside (now she's at Marie's next door to Sally's.)  She was always a hoot!  (Not sure of her repertoire at Cabana, but we'll find out.)  When you RSVP for Wednesday, please let us know if we should expect you for both (ride and Cabana) or one or the other.  Your choice!

Friday, February 1
Meet at 11AM at The Great Southern Cafe in Seaside.  We will ride #30A down to the Red Bar, and back to Watercolor (and around Watercolor) before returning to The Great Southern for lunch.

Please RSVP and you know what to bring. 


  1. Heads up! New schedule for next week posted.

  2. Monday and Friday rides are good for me. Wednesday is Patty's birthday so you may see us at Cabana Cafe in the afternoon. Chris

    1. Chris, hope you guys come up so we can celebrate Patty's birthday together! Hey everyone! It's Patty's birthday! Please come!

  3. Would love to do Freeport on Monday, but have to work registration and can't get there by 11. Maybe next time.

    1. Look forward to your joining us when registration ends!

  4. Everyone,
    I feel I need to mention that I've seen Redd when she performed at Sally's Backside several times. However, the last time, she performed some songs that even I (no prude) felt were "crossing the line" of good taste (a little x-rated.) Just my opinion. I don't want anyone to go and feel offended, but I have no idea how her performance might be "tweaked" for the Cabana Cafe crowd. She has a good voice and sings some of the old romantic songs our age group loves, and that is why I liked her. Since she's singing so close by, I want to check her out this season. But I felt I needed to send this "disclaimer" --- just in case.

  5. Freeport ride (Monday) so far: Olsons and two friends, Qtips, Chris and me.

  6. Watercolor ride (Friday) so far: Olsons, Chris and me.

  7. We will both ride Wednesday but will not eat. All in for Friday. Wish we could do Freeport but will be out of town.

  8. Updated count: Friday -- Olsons, Thompsons, Chris and me.

    Watch the blog, as right now Wednesday is predicted to have 60% chance of strong thunderstorms. Ride could be cancelled.

  9. A potluck party!
    Saturday Feb. 2 at 5:00. We will provide meat and some drinks. Bring something to pass. We will give directions and get replies on Wednesday or Friday's ride.

    1. Sounds great, Ron and Carol! My friend is arriving late Friday, Feb. 1 and socializing is in the works for Saturday, Feb. 2 with our group of friends here. But depending upon what time we start, I may be able to swing by for a little while first. Will let you know for sure later. Thanks for putting this on the calendar for the group!

    2. Looking forward to getting together on Saturday. See you then.

    3. Roger and Terri will be there. Thanks for the invitation.

    4. Mariella and our group of friends and I have dinner reservations at 6PM at the Old Florida Fish House and to hear the band/dance afterwards, so I'll have to miss the party. You all have fun!

  10. I plan on riding all three days, unless Wednesday is cancelled due to weather. I will have to use Margaret's bike again today since my tubes still have not arrived--hopefully today. Margaret will join us for lunch today.


  11. Party sounds great for Saturday, count Patty and I to be there. Chris

  12. Margaret and I plan on going to the potluck on Saturday.


  13. Monday ride update: Beekmans, Deb Finato (retired colleague of mine here now), Ken (and Margaret for lunch), Olsons and two friends, Qtips, Chris and me. That's 13.

  14. Updated Friday count: Olsons, Thompsons, Chris, Ken and me.

  15. Since we missed the Freeport ride, we are planning on going up there on Thursday at 11 am. Anybody want to join us? We can change the time, if that would work better in your schedule. Stan and Diane

  16. I'd come, Stan and Diane, but I'll be in Pensacola with friends for the day. Sorry!

  17. John and I plan to attend the potluck Saturday.

  18. We would like to join the biking group for the ride on Friday at Seaside. Our names: Melva Panitzke and Virgil Panitzke.

  19. Weather permitting, we will be on the Wednesday ride.

  20. Wednesday Ride Probable Cancellation. Right now (10:38PM) is predicting 80% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow by the time we want to take off, along with 24 mph winds. I have a srong suspicion we will be cancelling. Check the blog an hour before the ride to be sure. We will most likely still be meeting up at Cabana Cafe for Redd's performance at 4PM. (I'll probably plan to get there by 3PM to save a table.) If it's still vehemently storming, I may skip even Cabana. Please RSVP by 2PM if you are planning to go to Cabana.

  21. Update (6AM) -- Strong winds. Rain predicted later. Ride cancelled (if anyone still wants to ride, you can arrange it by private emailing one another, calling, or making a comment here to set it up.) QUESTION: Would anyone be interested in riding Sandestin early Saturday to make up for losing this ride? So as not to interfere with Thompson's party, maybe a 9:30AM ride with brunch at 10:30AM? If you want me to schedule this replacement ride, please RSVP here.

  22. Updated Friday count: Olsons, Thompsons, Chris, Ken H., Jim Whitledge (and his wife, Pat for lunch) new couple Melva and Virgil Panitzke, and me.

    1. Stan and Bob Sowder (and maybe Bob's wife, Patty) will be on Friday's ride at Seaside.

  23. We'll meet you in Seaside Friday Feb 1 at 11

  24. Updated Friday count: Qtips, Olsons, Thompsons, Chris, Ken H., Jim Whitledge (and his wife, Pat for lunch) new couple Melva and Virgil Panitzke, and me. 12 for riding.

  25. Fun time at Cabana Cafe tonight with you all, Schaals, Hendrickses, and Deb and Rich! See you Friday! Hope your birthday was happy, Patty!

  26. Updated Friday count: Stan and Bob Sowder (and maybe Bob's wife, Pat), Qtips, Olsons, Thompsons, Chris, Ken H., Jim Whitledge (and his wife, Pat for lunch) new couple Melva and Virgil Panitzke, and me. 12 for riding.

    Saturday 9:30AM Sandestin: Ken H, Chris, me. Anyone else want to join us? Brunch at Another Broken Egg afterwards.

    1. Sorry, it's not 12 for riding Friday at Seaside. It's 14, maybe 15.

    2. Great ride with 20 yesterday, everyone! Thanks! Today's morning ride is cancelled last minute. See you next week. :)
