Thursday, February 16, 2012

Annual End of Season Potluck

P.S.  End of season potluck doesn't mean end of season riding.  We'll still be riding in March, as many of us aren't leaving yet!

W H E N :        S u n d a y , F e b r u a r y   2 6

W H E R E :    G u l f P l a c e   P u b l i c   A c c e s s   #3 0 A

T I M E :          2PM

There is a pavilion with tables where we will eat after the ride.  However, we can't reserve it, so we'd appreciate any spouse(s) who don't plan to ride with the group, but would like to share the potluck with us, playing "sentry" and staking it out for us during our one-hour ride.  Bring a good book or an ipod and watch the water as you guard our territory!  :)  Please contact Newbys if you can volunteer for this duty!

Potluck:  If your last name starts with:

A - L   please bring an appetizer or salad

M - S  please bring a main dish

T - Z   please bring a dessert

(There are charcoal grills if anyone wants to bring charcoal and meat to grill.) 

If you have any questions, please call Stan or Diane Newby at:
6 2 2 - 1 2 2 6 ( l o c a l )   o r   5 1 7 - 6 7 7 - 1 5 0 5
or email at:  t w o n e w b e e s @ g m a i l . c o m

Please RSVP here so we know how many to expect!


  1. Barb, we plan on making the pot luck ride, even though Wisconsin is playing Ohio State that day, ouch!!. Joe K.

  2. We will be there representing Michigan State and wishing we could watch Wisconsin and Ohio State beat each other up. We will bring an appetizer. If Margaret doesn't ride, she may be able to do the guard duty. However, she is going to try to start riding this week.

    Ken and Margaret Hendrick

  3. Hi,
    I see we should bring a desert since our name begins with a T. We are home so we will miss the dinner. You all will miss the GREAT WALL OF CHOCOLATE we would have brought. We had a great time riding with you all. Say hi to the guard a Kelly Plantation. See you next year.
    Love, Ron and Carol

    1. We will miss you at the potluck and until next season, Ron and Carol! Thanks for your great participation and company on our rides! See you next year.

  4. Potluck sounds great, Patty can be our space saver as she doesn't ride, but enjoys the company of the bikers. I Have family and friends in through Thursday, so I don't know if I can make the ride today> Chris

    1. Oh, great, Chris, please thank Patty for us for being our sentry! We love her company, too, so look forward to Sunday! (Miss you on the ride today if you can't make it...maybe you can all come up to Cabana for dinner? Love to meet your family and friends!) See you later.

  5. John and I plan on biking and picnic(ing) Sunday. I'll bring a pasta salad. If you find something else would work better, let me know by Friday. Luan

  6. Sorry everyone - Rick and I are heading to the Daytona 500 that weekend ! Hopefully I will see some of you before the end of March......Rayne

    1. Oh, darn, Rick and Rayne! We've missed you lately! We'll hope to ride again with you in March!

  7. Barb,

    I see only four couples confirmed so far, and no one indicating a main dish. Do you know of ohers who have not confirmed on the blog? We are plannning on bringing guacamole and chips.

    I checked Google Maps on the location of Gulfplace and it says it is in Santa Rosa Beach by 393 and 30A. Is that correct? Is the public access by the bridge that Google Maps indicates as "Lion Park"?

    Ken and Margaret

    1. The Newby's are bringing lasagna and the Quackenbush's are bringing a chicken dish. The gulf Place public access is on the corner of 393 and 30a. It is the beach access.

    2. Ken,
      Quackenbushes are coming, too. We counted 13 this year, unless someone shows up without RSVPing. I'm bringing a tossed salad (romaine or green leaf lettuce with strawberries and a poppyseed dressing.)

  8. We'll probably bring fruit if it looks good this morning at the grocery, although a HOT dish may be more appropriate!!!! Wish we could sample that GREAT WALL OF CHOCOLATE! Let's hope it warms up.

  9. Sounds like we've got all the bases covered except dessert...which I surely don't need and don't mind that the temptation isn't there anyway! ;)

  10. Last head count for the potluck (so everyone can be sure they've made enough of their dish) is 15.

  11. And P.S. Since Beekmans are bringing fruit, I'm changing my salad to a more traditional one with a ranch or blue cheese dressing. :)

    1. (But I'll bring the poppyseed dressing, too, in case anyone prefers that!)

  12. I have some strawberry kiwi pie left over that I would like eaten! Too much temptation. Don,t you think we should eat here after the ride? Not that nice out for a picnic.

    1. Chris just called me and I told him he could bring a dessert if he wanted to since we had two rather filling main dishes planned already, plus the salad(s), fruit and appetizer and whatever Joe and Pat bring. I thought we had plenty of food. Hope that's okay.

  13. Don and Pat Anderson also just emailed me that they were having trouble RSVPing to the blog, but that they are planning to attend. Not sure if they are coming to the potluck after the ride, but reminded them to bring an appetizer or salad if they choose to join us!

  14. Everyone: We will eat at Stan and Diane's after the ride instead of at the picnic tables on the beach. Not good picnic weather.

    (And...I may do a repeat performance of not even riding with the group IF it is too cold and windy. Yes, I admit it: I am a fair-weather rider. ;))

  15. Guacomole Recipe

    Some of the group at Sunday's potluck expressed an interest in Margaret's Guacolmole recipe. Here it is:

    4 ripe avocados
    1 Roma tomato finely diced
    2 tbsps Miracle Whip
    2 slices sweet onion diced
    salt & pepper to taste
    2 dashes of red hot sauce

    Cut avocados in half and remove pit. Scoop out flesh, dice and mash. Blend in other ingredients.
