Thursday, January 12, 2012

Plan B

Ok, Walton County Snowbird Cyclists, this is our Plan B.  Given the fact that the internet service seems to be spotty at Majestic Sun, we cannot depend upon email as a reliable communication method for our rides.

So I've created this blog.

I will post rides here and you can RSVP in the comment space.

I hope this proves more dependable.

Let's give it a try.  Anyone who comes here to check the blog,  please leave me a comment on this post letting me know how it works for you.

Your Frustrated, but Hopeful Honcho
P.S.  If you aren't sure how to make a comment, just click on "comments" below and it will take you to a comment text box in which you type.


  1. Ok, I'm trying this so see if I can comment. It appears I can, but then I have a Google account. I don't think you have to have a Google account, but you will have to figure out how to comment to me on your own, guys. Let me know if I can help.

  2. We are up and running with you girl! Enjoyed lunch and our short ride today in the wind.

    1. Super, S&D! Now let's pass the word. I may have to email every single cycling member our new mode of communicating, so I'm working on that now.

  3. Barbara, Thanks for your info on the biking group. I just bought a used bike, and am looking forward to riding with the group.

    1. Great, Nancy. Thanks for letting me know the site works for you.

  4. Barb, Monday's ride sounds ok with me. Want to ride from here to LA lounge? Chris

  5. I'll be at snowbird registration until 10:30AM, Chris, and then have to get back, change, put the bike on the car and get there by 11:15AM. But if you ever want to take a ride along #98, just call easy to just bike from here.

    P.S. I see you figured out how to reply through the comment feature! Super!

    P.P.S. In the future, if you would please, reply on the post which lists the ride you want to attend, as that is where I'll be checking. (The one entitled "Biking Week of Jan. 15-21" instead of this one entitled "Plan B.") Then everyone can just go to the post listing the ride they are interested in, hit "comment" and see who is planning to go! :)

  6. Ron and Carol will ride Friday if it clears up.
